It’s OK to be different

It’s OK to be different

As a contractor, I find myself constantly looking for work. Knowing that contracts typically last between 1 to 2 years, with an increasingly fierce job market, it is now imperative to stand out from the crowd. When I made the decision to hire a coach to do my styling...


Looking for a job can be draining and quite demoralising. 😟 I remember the time where, after many months of job search, I finally ended up with an interview for my dream job. Things were quite promising during the interview process, as I was getting closer to the...
Master Your Expertise

Master Your Expertise

What does it mean to be a trouble-shooter? Troubleshooting is the analysis and solving of serious problems for an organisation. Troubleshooting can take many forms, whether you’re hired to fix a poorly designed system, to reduce costs, to fix a product or to...
When a contract comes to an end

When a contract comes to an end

Losing a job can be devastating for anyone, but for a contractor, it goes with the territory 😟 Contracting jobs can last anywhere between 6 months and up to 2 years. What should you do when the inevitable does happen, and your contract comes to an end? After my...
Begin Anywhere

Begin Anywhere

With the job market at its most competitive, it seems that people no longer want a job for the sake of having a job. People want PURPOSE. Meaning. Applying for the RIGHT job has never been more important 🙏🏻 Hence why, before submitting your application, you should...
Time management during Covid 19 pandemic

Time management during Covid 19 pandemic

s    With the world attempting to restart and rejuvenate the economy amidst todays crushing uncertainty, has the way we manage our time changed? The oil and gas industry is an industry that cannot fail. With the depth and duration of this crisis being uncertain,...