
Every career journey will hit bumps in the road along the way…

You can be ready for them with my “ESSENTIAL WORKPLACE TOOLKIT SERIES”.  These helpful eBooklets give you the tools needed to avoid and fix the most common career challenges:

  • 🤚 Imposter Syndrome
  • 🤚 Pay Disparity
  • 🤚 Career Progression Barriers
  • 🤚 Workplace Bullying
  • 🤚 Being ‘Forced Out’ of your Job


Ask yourself …

Are you really being paid for what you're worth...?

Everyone deserves equal pay for equal work! Finding out a colleague is getting a more generous pay packet than you for the same job can be a bitter pill to swallow. You deserve a fair salary, after all.

Download the “Pay Disparity” eBooklet to learn the steps you can take to get paid what you’re worth.

Are you struggling with self-doubt, or do you know someone who is?

Imposter Syndrome can hold back even the most successful of individuals. Let’s face it, blowing your own trumpet is not an easy thing to do. Researchers believe a whopping 70% of us will experience Imposter Syndrome as an adult (Gravois 2007).

Get a copy of my “Imposter Syndrome” eBooklet for yourself or a friend. Find ways to recognise it and get the tools to address it with my easy-to-follow doubt-busting tips! 

Are you being forced out of your job?

I know first-hand how distressing this can be and you may not realise that feeling compelled to leave a job is more common than you think. A 2023 survey by the Chartered Management Institute found that almost 1/3 of UK workers say they’ve left a job because of a negative workplace culture.

Download my “Forced Departure” eBooklet for actionable insights and tools to help you manage this challenging situation.

Are you feeling stuck in your career?

This could be down to “career progression barriers”. Perhaps there’s a lack of developmental opportunities or it could be related to unconscious bias? Whatever the cause of your career standstill, I strongly believe everyone deserves to flourish, progress and grow.

Follow the tips in my “Overcoming Barriers” eBooklet to navigate around obstacles and unlock your full potential.

Have you ever suffered bullying or workplace hostility?

If the answer is yes, you are not alone. It takes its toll on your mental health and your career progression. Recent research from the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) showed that 15% of employees in the UK experienced workplace bullying, with 8% reporting harassment and 4% sexual harassment. And, of course, the actual figures could be much higher, as many people decide not to report incidents for fear of making things worse.

NO ONE should have to suffer like this at work, so read the eBooklet and discover how to identify, manage and challenge microaggression and bullying at work.

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