As a contractor, I find myself constantly looking for work.

Knowing that contracts typically last between 1 to 2 years, with an increasingly fierce job market, it is now imperative to stand out from the crowd.

When I made the decision to hire a coach to do my styling and create a professional brand, I was hoping that this would help me be seen and recognised, but most importantly, stand out in a very competitive market place..

The fear of the unknown can be pretty scary.

8 months later, my website was up and running, and I am proud to say that it has been working to my advantage.

It has helped me be more self aware of how I communicate, how I express myself, how to network, but it also gave me a more professional outlook and a lot more confidence.

And even though having a website may not be seen as “ typical” for a contractor like me, I am confident this will help me shape a bright future.

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